Tag Archives: fine arts

Curtain Up


capital dramaturgy

With a shiny new B.F.A. in Dramaturgy from Carnegie Mellon, an unquenchable inquisitiveness, and more enthusiasm than can be safely contained in my 5’4″ self, I am here in our Nation’s Capital to take on this city, make some cool theatre, and shake up the waters of the Potomac. My business card says “Dramaturg, Writer, Educator,” but that’s only because I didn’t have room for “historian, all-around theatre artist, and amateur monster-hunter.” I have a very particular set of skills that I adapt to any number of interesting things.

This blog will be dedicated to my adventures, specifically of the theatre/artistic variety, in Washington, D.C. I was drawn here because of the history of the city, the potential to develop new and meaningful plays, and – I have to admit – the trees (no offense NYC and LA, but I’m from Central PA and I need my oaks!) So I’m going to work hard, get involved, and have some fun, and we will see what happens.

*Cue dramatic and upbeat overture now*

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